Centinje is for
Montenegrins a lot more than just the historic capital. The
town is a main part of their identity and stands for pride, courage
and loyalty. The first settlement dates back to the stone age. The
town itself was founded in 1482 by Ivan Crnojevic. The ruler of the
former Zeta-Empire had to flee to these mountains because of the
Turks. The monastery which was founded at the time had one of the
first printing houses in the region and published only 28 years
after Gutenbergs invention the first book in the Balkans.
Cetinje's most
prosperous time was at the beginning of the 20th century. Hotels had
names like London, Paris or Grand. In 1901 the first travel guide in
English was printed. The founding of Yugoslavia in 1918 ended the
time as the capital. Today the town lays dormant.